paleoanthropology and comparative anatomy
body mapping and internal dynamics
partnering & playful scenarios
walking and expanding
contact improvisation
kinetic literacy / reading and embodying physics
Guest Faculty
Francesca Pedullà
Jörg Hassmann
Johannes Anzenhofer​
CYCLE # 1 / 3 modules February - June 2017
'learning through movement'
feet & ankle / chronological architecture
spine / falling mechanics
pelvis & hip joint
cranio sacral touch & skull osteology
contact improvisation
tone, tension, tissue response
Guest Faculty
Nicole Berndt-Caccivio
Frey Faust
Guest Lecturer
Katharina Lee Chichester
M.A.Science Team Member of the Exzellenzcluster Image Knowledge and Design at Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Co-Curator of the exhibition ultra knowledge & gestalting
Johannes Anzenhofer​
CYCLE # 2 / 5 modules October 2017 - June 2018
'in research and practices'
Knee / Spheres of Activity / Organ System (BMC®)
Undulatory Coordination / Shoulder Complex
Cervical Spine & Head / Contact Improvisation / Strength vs Coordination?
Motoric Masses / Applying Orientation Tools and Terminology / Cellular Presence (BMC®)
Anatomical Center / Rhythm & Dynamic Arcing / Cranio-Sacral Integration / Whats New?
Guest Faculty
Nina Wehnert (BMC)
Jörg Hassmann
Guest Lecturer
Nita Little PhD
Johannes Anzenhofer​
Life Drawing Documentation
Katelyn Stiles
CYCLE # 3 / 4 modules September 2018 - June 2019
Module 1 : September 29 - October 5 (7 days)
Lumbar Hip Sacrum / Ramping & Transition Skills / Organs BMC® / Contact-Improvisation
Module 2 : November 26 - 30 (5 days)
Shoulder and Arm Navigation / Landing & Launching / Fluids and Cells BMC®
Module 3 : April 1 - 5 (5 days)
Feet & Ankle Complex / Myofascial Communication & Tensegral Bending / Embryology BMC® / Prepared Dissection
Module 4 : May 25 - June 2 (9 days)
Dynamic Alignment Spectrum / Contact Improvisation / Elastic Loading / Adaptability / Explosivity / Nervous System Balance & Endocrine Support BMC®
Guest Faculty
Nina Wehnert (BMC)
Baris Mihci (AS)
Johannes Anzenhofer (Rhythm)
Guest Lecturer
Anne-Sophie Reichert
Johannes Anzenhofer
Alex Zampini
Barnaby Tree
Life Drawing Documentation
Katelyn Stiles
Cycle #4 2019/20
Module 1: September 28 - October 4 (7 days)
Sequential Movement Coordination / Walking Principles and Analysis / Contact-Improvisation /
T-Lab: Testing, Tuning and Tinkering
Module 2: November 25 - November 29 (5 days)
Bio-tensegral Dynamics of the Spine / Falling Patterns / Fluidity & Developmental Patterns BMC®
Module 3: January 27 - January 31 (5 days)
Shoulder and Hip Anatomy / Myofascial Communication / Developmental Patterns II / Reflexes BMC®
Module 4: March 30 - April 3 2020 (5 days) CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19
Knee and Elbow Anatomy / Conserving, Harnessing & Recycling Energy / Nervous System Integration/ T-Lab
Module 5: May 23 - May 31 (9 days) CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19
Head and Neck / Rhythm & Pulsation / Thinking critically: pedagogy and transmission / Dynamics of Perception BMC® / Contact Improvisation / T-Lab
Kira Kirsch (all modules)
Antoine Ragot (all modules)
Jörg Hassmann (Module 1)
Nina Wehnert (Module 2,3 & 5)
Baris Mihci (Module 4)
+ guest speakers, live musicians
Cycle # 5 Semester cycle 2020
Module 1 January 20th to 24th (5 days)
Spine / Ramping & Transitioning Skills /BMC - Organs
Module 2 March 23rd to 27th (5 days) CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19
Shoulder Girdle / Undulatory Coordination / Polyrhythms in Body and Music
Module 3 June 17th to 24th (8 days) CANCELLED DUE TO COVID 19
Applied Paleoanthropology & Comparative Anatomy / Tone, Tension, Tissue Response
Contact Improvisation / Open Ateliers facilitated by senior students
Kira Kirsch (all modules)
Antoine Ragot (all modules)
Francesca Pedullà (module 2)
Nina Wehnert BMC
+ guest speakers, live musicians
CYCLE #7 2021/22
MODULE 1: Oktober 4 - October 10 2021 (7 days)
Chrono-logical archi-tecture / Channeling Forces / Touch & Improvisation / Principles of Motor Learning - mini lecture & lab / BMC®
MODULE 2: November 22 - November 28 2021 (7 days)
Motion Centers of the Spine / Athletic Skills for Dancers / Rhythm and Dynamic Arcing for Movement Efficiency / BMC®
MODULE 3: April 22 - 28 2022 (Friday afternoon - Thursday afternoon / 7 days) >>> FULL!!!
Bones Whispering - Paleoanthropolgy & Comparative Anatomy / C-Stars - from rolling to falling to flying / Alchemy of Walking Analysis / Dynamic Expansion - Craniosacral with Shannon Cooney
MODULE 4: June 6 - 25 2022 (21 days) >>>PROGRAM<<<
Week 1 Monday - Saturday
Interconnecting Legs and Arms Anatomically & in Coordination
Conserving, Harnessing & Recycling Energy (physics)
Balance, Flow and Ground/Nervous System - BMC® with Nina Wehnert
Field Trip to a Prepared Dissection Lab - Anatomy Institute of Charité University for Medicine
Jams with live music
Week 2 Monday - Saturday
Myofascial Communication
Patterns of Coordinations of the Spine (biomechanics, evolutionary context)
Contact Improvisation - Nita Little
Jams with live music
Unfinished Fridays - work in progress with feedback process
Week 3 Monday - Saturday
Polyrhythms in Body and Music (with live music by Johannes Anzenhofer )
Elastic Loading / Adaptability / Explosivity (tensegrity/ visco elastic qualities/athlétism)
Dreaming Body with Anna Nowicka
Lecture by Anna
Jam with live music
Kira Kirsch (all modules)
Antoine Ragot (all modules)
Marianne Linder
Nina Wehnert BMC
+ guest teachers: Shannon Cooney, Anna Nowicka, Nita Little
+ guest speakers: Anne-Sophie Reichert, Anna Nowicka, Nita Little
+ live musicians: Barnbaby Tree, Alex Zampini, Johannes Anzenhofer
Cycle #8 2022/23
MODULE 1: Oktober 1 - October 7 2022 (7 days) / Lake Studios
Spinal Communications / Agility, Dexterity, Flexibility / Organs - Body Mind Centering ®
MODULE 2: Oktober 31 - November 6 2022 (7 days) / Urbanraum & Lake Studios
The Alchemy of Walking / Spheres & Spirals - Contact Improvisation / Stories of Walking​
MODULE 3: January 9 - 28 2023 (3 weeks) Lake Studios
WEEK 1 January 9 - 14
Tone, Tension, Tissue Response / Antoine Ragot
Wings and Roots BMC® - the sphenoid and other relational aspects of the body / Nina Wehnert
Arms & Shoulder Complex / Kira Kirsch
How Do We Move Together - conference & practice lab / Diana Thielen
WEEK 2 January 16 - 21
Ramping & Transitioning / Kira Kirsch
Liquidity and Structure - Contact Improvisation / Cristina Cripa
Embodied Anatomy Lab - hands-on work, palpation, mapping, forming, imagining / Antoine Ragot
conference tba
WEEK 3 January 23 - 28
The Potential Infinity - a never ending quest for perpetual motion / Jerome d’Orso
Walking & Flying / Antoine Ragot
Subtle Body - touch, partnering, energy & attention / Kira Kirsch
In A Gravitational Field - conference / Jerôme d'Orso
MODULE 4: April 1 - 6 (6 days) / Lake Studios & Urbanraum Berlin
Spine Dynamics - for balancing, turning and re-orientation / Kira Kirsch
Functional Flow - strength for agility and versatility / Filippo Serra
The Back Space - contact improvisation / Kira Kirsch
MODULE 5: May 1 - May 7 2023 (7 days) / Lake Studios
Micro & Macro - attuning to details and complexity / Kira Kirsch
Physics of Partnering / Antoine Ragot
Emergence: the root of CI & the core of Ensemble Dancing / Nita Little
Cycle #9 2023/24​
Module#1 Aug 28 - Sept 3
Walking Principles and Analysis
Dynamics of Falling
Readiness for Relating -
primitive reflexes, righting reactions and equilibrium responses BMC® / guest teacher: Nina Wehnert
Module#2 Oct 1 - 11
Tuning to Context - biomechanical and anatomical relationships (solo & CI)
Undulatory Coordination - sequential movement principles (solo & CI)
Functional Flow - strength building for dancers / guest teacher: Filippo Serra
Power & Lightness - endocrine glands BMC® / guest teacher: Nina Wehnert
Teach & Research Oct 13 - 15
lab classes, feedback rounds & discussions, labs, exchange & impulses for research
(this event is for the students of the teacher & researcher track only)
Module#3 Nov 13 - 19
Channeling Forces - physics of motion
Touch, Textures & Tissues (solo & CI)
Water Kissing Water - how things meet - overlap - interface - join - come together / guest teacher: Ayelet Yekutiel
Module#4 April 1 - 7
Body Archeology - paleoanthropology and comparative anatomy
Micro & Macro - attuning to detail and complexity
Fluid Body - BMC® / guest teacher: Nina Wehnert
MODULE #5 - 3 WEEK Summer Residency June 10 - 29
with Kira Kirsch, Antoine Ragot, Kelly Keenan, Nita Little​ and Nina Wehnert, Katelyn Stiles
WEEK I June 10 - 15
Bags & Lines - myofascial communication/solo into CI - Kira Kirsch
Spinal Patterns - Antoine Ragot
Dynamic Expansion- movement & integrating holism through Dynamic Stillness - guest teacher: Shannon Cooney
WEEK II June 17 - 22
Body Mapping & Tissue Dynamics - movement building blocks & tissue physiology- Antoine Ragot
Composing Lightness - from walking to flying - Kira Kirsch
Relational Intelligence - contact improvisation & the ensemble mindbody - Nita Little
WEEK III June 24 - 29
Body and Music - Kira Kirsch & Johannes Anzenhofer
Unruly matter(s) - Anatomical Imaginaries - Kelly Keenan
Felt Physics - CI, Partnering and Improvisation- Antoine Ragot
+ Jams, Lectures, Labs, Performance & Field Trips
musicians: Barnaby Tree & Johannes Anzenhofer